May 30, 2007 20:40
I'm in one of those listless, lonely, frustrated, unmotivated, and vaguely depressed frames of mind again. Fortunately, those seem to only last a day or less during the summer, as opposed to the week or so they often stick around during the school year. But at the moment, I'm feeling quite bleh.
At least I got some stuff accomplished today. I Beta-Read for Bea, colored my envelope for Jenny, and filled it with random drawings and goodies. But tonight my dad was going on about how expects me to spend 3-4 hours cleaning and scrubbing every surface of everything in the house every day from now on, and doing things that are "constructive for the family" instead of just for myself. For no pay. (We kind of got into it a little bit, so there's a bit of tension there at the moment). Of course he says this just as I am getting over the hump of procrastination and being distracted by TV, and finally getting into my summer groove. It really just figures.
So I'm lonely, listless, unmotivated, and in a less than ideal mood. Is it bad that I suddenly find myself being frustrated that there's nothing new in any of my shows? I've been hiding in television whenever I get down all year, and not having it to fall back on it a bit of a shock to the system for me. I think I'm just going to go listen to music now.