Heroes 3x17

Feb 24, 2009 11:08

Ahahahaha, okay, so no Sylar and Luke (BOO), but ~*La Resistance*~ did not disappoint! Oh boys. This was sort of all one storyline tonight, so I'm just going to break them up by camp:

La Resistance - YAY MATT/MOHINDER! I love Matt/Mohinder WAFF, I really do, but it has always been my personal canon that these two fought like ALL THE TIME, over everything. I mean, Mohinder's too much of a drama queen and Matt's too much of a control freak - it just seems inevitable. And then they would make up, and be all "I'm so sorry, baby - ILU so much, let's ~never fight again~" and then they would make sweet love to each other, and it would last for maybe a day or so, until one of them left the cap off the toothpaste or forgot to do the dishes.

So yeah, this was so much fun for me to watch. And oh my God, how much like a married couple did they sound? Ahaha, Mohinder was all "I just think that maybe NON-SCIENTIFIC TORTURE isn't the answer to all our problems, honey" and Matt's all "Oh, well, excuuuuuuse me for actually trying to do something instead of sitting around and bitching, like some people. Now do I have permission to go back to trying to save our lives, your majesty?"

I love that Mohinder hates himself so much right now - for me, that undoes a bit of the character assassination of last season - he knows what he did was gross and wrong and feels terrible about it. That's the Mohinder I know!

However, there were some things that annoyed me about them. I was extremely irritated when it was revealed that Noah had come to Mohinder previously and a huge part of his ~moral objection~ to the whole thing was because he didn't want to get found out: "But they're memories! You TOTALLY CAN'T TRUST THEM. Because maybe, hypothetically, he has this memory that's hypothetically totally NOT TRUE, because it was, uh, tainted by time or something, hypothetically. AND TORTURE IS WRONG, and I care so much about Noah's health, because I'd never shoot him in the face, or anything." Seriously, Mohinder - you are a dick sometimes. Although I did awwwww when Matt was all "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" and he was like "Because I knew you'd be mad. 3:("

Matt's being a dick, too - I know he is ~mad with grief,~ but all of his shoutiness and general jerktitude grated on my nerves. And NO ONE IS MENTIONING MOLLY. I mean, come on, people - this would have been the perfect opportunity. Matt could have brought up how they had to stop the government to protect all special people LIKE THEIR DAUGHTER MOLLY. Whatever.

And oh Jesus, the brilliant plan of having Mohinder get himself captured. That seemed ridiculous. I mean, I know he was ~creating a diversion,~ but having him just throw himself out there to be caught bought them maybe five minutes, and you'd think they would have known that seeing as there were 16818415 soldiers who were closing in on them. But it's okay, because it led to MOHINDER GETTING CHAINED UP WITH A SPREADER BAR AND BEING DOUSED WITH WATER UNTIL HE WAS SOAKING WET - UNF UNF UNF. Seriously, that was so incredibly hot I thought I was going to spontaneously combust - HOTT. Although once again, Mohinder is going to be doing science for evil. Haven't we been down this road several dozen times?

Onto Peter - I lol'd so hard that Peter knew how to score roofies (okay, I know that he probably robbed a hospital, which is where they got the stethoscope, etc., BUT STILL). And - he was actually competent! I am incredibly shocked! Although - did he really think that he was going to go through with killing someone? And I'm still confused about his powers - I thought it was that he absorbed the power of whoever he'd last been in contact with, but obviously that's not that case since he touched both Mohinder and Matt but still has Nathan's powers. Maybe it's because he's so obsessed with Nathan and can think of no one else, so that's why it's the one he's holding onto, but who knows.

I really don't like that they are doing the threat of blowing up a city yet again. Come on, you guys - surely we can think of something different. And wtf, are they back in the loft? Because NO ONE will think to look for you guys there! Yeesh.

So overall, La Resistance gets a B.

Big Brothers - I liked the Noah insight! I was a little worried about how the preview was like "WE WILL FINALLY KNOW IF HE IS 100% GOOD OR 100% BAD," but nope, still very, very morally grey. I KNEW that the whole "OMG IT'S ALL TO PROTECT CLAIRE BECAUSE THEY THREATENED HER" thing was bullshit, because Nathan - really didn't threaten her. But Noah was bored, so he said yes. Claire and Sandra were totally right - she's just his excuse to keep on doing what he loves to do. Oh Noah. I liked the insight that he really does believe that he fights the good fight to keep people safe, but it was weird the way he kept emphasizing that they were human beings OMG, because I have really never seen any hint that he was concerned with the rights and safety of people with abilities. And it was also weird when he was like "Nathan! You are going to round them all up? That's madness!" Uh, Noah? That's what you guys did. I mean, maybe the difference was that they let the harmless ones go? I don't know. Lol, and his butt was all hurt when he was ready to take charge and Danko was like "Lol no," and Nathan was just like *shrug*, and then Noah's like >B(.

It was interesting to see more of Danko. Poor guy - the only things he has in his life are his work and his love for Dell computers. I really loved it when Noah was trying to be his friend- he's all "Let's have a slumber party! I brought booze, and we can do each other's hair and play truth or dare and be BFFs! :D?" and he's just like "..."

Nathan was also great. I loved when Noah was like "So you think you have a solution?" and he's like "Yes. A Final Solution, if you will." And wtf, that was so weird when he was like "You don't understand! I nearly killed my brother! So naturally I must lock him away, forever, to make up for it." I do really like that he does seem to think that he'll be able to fix all this, somehow, and his offer to Mohinder was so creepy and great - "Ha ha, remember that one time you had me all tied up? Good times. So anyway, if you don't help me, you're all going to die. I will cry many tears of sadness, but waddaya gonna do? Think about it, and enjoy your chains!"

AND OMG ANGELA - STILL PULLING THE STRINGS! SO AWESOME! :D Poor Angela, though - she wanted to retire, but her sons are idiots so she can't. :(

They all also get a B, which makes the overall grade - a B.

I've been watching a lot of vids lately, so I thought I'd share with you all:

Everything nowhack does is amazing, and her last two vids are no exception. She's got this great way of matching up lyrics and facial expressions that's just complete genius. Oh No You Didn't is about Sylar's quest for vengeance, and it is so amazingly hilarious. And her Sylar/Mohinder + Matt/Daphne take on Jizz in My Pants made me lol for days. WATCH THEM.

And OMG YAY, I found the Sylar Pokemon vid! The person who made this had their account suspended and I was so sad, but I guess someone apparently stole it and uploaded it, so YAY! It's seriously one of my favorite things ever. He's GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL! And Mohinder is Pikachu. Hee.

Continuing with this trend, I found two other amazing vids set to kids songs: here's Sylar/Mohinder set to the Pinky and the Brain theme song - IN GERMAN. *dies* And OMG this is brilliant: Sylar as Mr. Grinch! For some reason, it starts out with Elle looking for Sylar to the song "One Way or Another," which is awesome too.

heroes, vids, recs, review

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