For unter_allen: Collecting on a Bet

Nov 01, 2008 22:41

The Time: 5 November 2008
The Place: The New York City Ballet
The Reason: A certain seraph can't keep her big fat mouth shut

She hated this evening already. Hated. She was standing outside of a ballet theatre, and that was the first problem. The second problem was that her hair was tied back in a sort of pony tail, the tie meeting an inch before the end of her hair strands. It felt weird. The third issue she had was that she was in a goddamn dark purple silk dress, wearing far more jewlery than she was comfortable in, especially around her wrists, and that she had found that a wedge version of her usual Grecian sandals were bloody uncomfortable.

All of this because she just had to prove to Zach that she was perfectly capable of being lady like. Like she actually thought he was going to take her up on it!

roleplay, ce, co-staring: zach, comm: unter_allen, present day

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