Thanks go to Debbie (aka RockyMom) and Jei for pointing out mid-show that I've been suffering through possible tonsilitis (and a few other things better left unmentioned) needlessly when affordable health care has been available. And I was gonna wait until I transferred to a better college to get it at about the same rate. Silliness! Silliness and tomfoolery!
It seems kind of weird to think about, but if this goes well, and time constraints start being less assholey, I might actually be able to think about actually dating again. It's like I'm having a mid-life crisis at 26... well, almost 27, but still. Speaking of, fair warning to anyone wanting to send me a card or try to spend some time with me, my birthday's less than a month away. I tend not to care for presents, though, so don't get all bling-blingy even if that's your inclination. I prefer time spent with me to money spent on me. For those of you who are on RHPS cast/crew this won't be tough, as my birthday is a show Saturday and all. If you're worried you might not have time to spend my birthday with me, this is also an EXCELLENT time to check out the show. I've really been enjoying the cast as is, and I think you will too. Contact me if you need directions or details, or just check out the show's website, School starts on the 14th, and I'm really excited for this semester. Not only do I get a chemistry class with assigned lab times and lab partners instead of just a snarky lab assistant who doesn't play nice with others, I also have a schedule that lends itself nicely to the use of Century's fitness center. Even when I played football in high school, I've never been in what I would consider good shape, but I'm hopeful that some spare hours spent in the cardio room will make an impact on my energy levels, sleeping patterns, and ability to pose randomly for the "family picture" without getting a leg cramp like I did last night. ^^;; I also love my new schedule because there are no 7:45 am start times. It'll be nice to get a shower and a shave in before I hit the road, and maybe breakfast too.
Anyway, I should probably quit while I'm ahead before I need to remember the html to cut this for friends page brevity. Thus ends the State of the Mattness Address, 2008.