Feb 22, 2008 13:42
Well, I don't think I'll be posting an update of everything I did during Project Meteor. No picture post. lol. I have over 1200 pictures of everything that happened for the month while I was away. It's enough to eat through any man's bandwidth cap. XD And there's STILL MORE TO COME.... once I get in touch with Danielle. She has numerous pictures too... probably more than I/Nerida have. So sorry to say, I won't be putting up the pictures here. If you want them... I suppose you could ask or something. But there's a lot. XD
Having said that, I had fun, folks! It was an awesome experience meeting you all face-to-face. Even getting to see the likes of, like... Hannah. o_O There's a once-in-a-lifetime chance there. XD As Zeth said.... EPICCCCC. Truly an unforgettable adventure. :D
I've come back to New Zealand and settled in once again. I'm back at work now... back into routine. I'd forgotten how much of a killer nightshifts are, how badly they ruin the body clock. Ugh. Lol. But it's back to properly earning the money now.
Speaking of adventures.... I'm going to Honolulu at the end of March, for a week. I'll be going to see my sister, who's currently studying at Brigham Young University Hawaii. A week in the sun... we're staying even CLOSER to the beach than we did while in Florida. Another week of relaxing! Can anyone say fun times?