yoinked from
ajodasso Put your MP3 player on shuffle, and then write down the first line of each of the first twenty songs. Post the 'poem' that results. The first line of the twenty-first song is the title.
Faith And Belief
I don't know why
Well, I heard there was a secret chord -
Hey man, I don't wanna hear about love no more
You change your mind
Felicita e tenersi per mano
Now it seems to me
Ave Maria, gratia plena
Lady, hear me tonight
Imagine there's no heaven
Why you wanna tell me how to live my life?
Ah, dirty
The job is done and I go out
Why do you build me up
A nos joies passées
Let's have some fun, this beat is sick -
man, it's a hot one
Estuans interius
I don't know what you heard about me
Fate is a wheel
Maybe I shouldn't quit my day job just yet :\