An early morning

Sep 02, 2006 08:58

I had one of those nights last night where you wake up every few hours.  I was puzzling over what might have caused it, and the only thin I can think of is that I took a 24hr generic claritin at around 8pm.  I didn't crash until aroudn midnight.  It was restful sleep, I don't feel tired [which I suppose is a good thing considering I can't have gotten an REM sleep in].

Good news is I got to watch the sunrise.  It was actually pretty beautiful.  Then I proceeded to clean the house.  It's funny, getting shit done early and having the entire day to myself feels nice, but I don't really see it ever becoming a habit.  I'm normally too much of a night-owl.  There's another interesting question for you healthcare folks.  Why are some people predisposed to being diurnal or nocturnal?  Isn't that normally a species-shared trait?

I'm off to Costco to buy meat for the party this evening.  An interesting occupation for a saturday morning.
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