Sep 07, 2005 23:16
blah. today has been such a blah day. i felt like i was having a nervous breakdown in my classes this morning. i was just a little depressed. i was really starting to feel sorry for myself tonight while i was laying on my brand new bed, when i stopped and realized how not-shitty my life is. i dont know how i do it, but i let myself get caught up in all the things i dont have that i dont stop and realize what i do have. its pathetic. im ok now though. i snapped myself right out of it.
talking to danny helps too. i dont know how he does it, but he can provoke the most extreme emotions in me. when i am sad, he can make me so happy. but when he makes me mad, it is a whole new kind of mad. i guess thats what best friends are for.
i met a boy. its making me sick. i help but wonder when hes gonna call me, and all that ridiculous crap. hes just so cute. i think we're gonna hang out friday. if he doesnt call me i might die. although, it wont be a complete loss, it will be my first time being brushed off, and that aint nothing to sneeze at. one small problem, i was fairly buzzed when i wrote down my number for him, and now i wondering if i wrote it right. gah.
im so tired. my paid account is expiring, and im just gonna let it happen. i really dont want to find my stupid debit card and enter in all the stupid numbers and decide how many stupid months i want to pay for. it can all go to hell.
i just got to UNH and now i am flying all the way back to las vegas to see my brother get married. i really love that he is having is wedding on a tuesday evening. so... im gonna have to go to class monday morning, get on a train to boston after class, fly to vegas, get picked up and go to sleep. next day is the wedding. wednesday i am gonna have to do same thing all over again. get up, go to the airport, fly home, get on a train out of boston, go to sleep. work the next morning. shit shit shit. im gonna miss only one day of classes. im probably gonna want to kill myself, but other than that it should be fairly successful. ill keep you posted.