Mar 11, 2008 13:14
In the last couple of years, I learnt that I have a reaction to nuts, in particular, peanuts. You see, I've always had a tendency to complain of headaches but never noticed any connections to food as a trigger until about 2 years ago. I realised that I'll get a splitting headache soon after eating something with peanuts in them. But still I wasn't convinced. I thought it might be a psychological reaction. But then it happened everytime I had peanuts, whether I even remember that I had them or not. Sometimes mumsie would notice that I'm eating peanuts and she'ld jst keep quiet until I complain of a headahce, then she'ld remind me. Which pretty much proves that it's a physical and not psychological reaction.
So now the people around me know not to offer me anything with peanuts in them, but today during lunch, I decided that I wanted peanut soup for dessert and convinced myself that it would be ok because I was already having a tension headache so might as well find enjoyment in my suffering right? And so, I happily slurped up a bowl of peanut soup with sesame 'tang yuan' and guess what? I have a splitting headache. Whoop dee doo! Serves me right.