My response to Republicans...

May 12, 2006 16:33

...who insist that Democrats trying to stop unregulated warrentless wiretapping are going to make it harder for us to fight terrorists.

"WHAAAAAAA, the Democrats want rule of law and court oversight of the domestic wiretapping activities of our intelligence services! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! WHAAAAAA, we're not going to be able to protect 'Merica."

Yeah? Guess what. Having court oversight ain't going to change the beneficial wiretapping ONE BIT. I find it amazing that you supposed anti-government conservative types are actually laughing about people trying to stop UNRESTRICTED, UNREVIEWED, DOMESTIC SURVEILANCE!

I mean seriously. Absolutely amazing stupidity on your part.

We're talking about a fundamental shift in power away from the legislative branch and into the hands of the executive. We may call it something else, but this power is one of the fundamental backbones of any SECRET POLICE. Another fundamental backbone is to be able to make people disappear without having legal oversight/review, and guess what? You guys made that happen too.

Why do you hate America?

I think it's because you're stupid, personally. I think many of your base has not got the education to have a basic understanding of the necessary balance of power in a tripartide republic.

So continue convincing yourselves that you're doing a fantastic job protecting America, you ignorant savages. Just like you did when you invaded the tribal nightmare that is Iraq (now in a CIVIL WAR according to pretty much everyone there). And that fantastic job you did taking over and then administering Afghanistan. What was the poppy yield there again this year? Oh yeah, much higher than ever before, right? Hey, didn't I hear something about the Taliban there? What was it? Oh yeah, they're back as warlords...

Or that fantastic job you guys have done with port security.

Or the amazing work that you're doing on the Iran and N. Korea situation, and the way that you've been patiently moving those rogue states towards disarmament.

Or the bang-up job that you guys did helping all those people after Katrina hit! Another fabulous piece of work there. Top form.

Or how about, and this one I find particularly funny, outing a CIA agent doing work on the Iran problem for political reasons! That one was great, because you outed the agent at the same time you were compromising the American security dominance in the world and getting so involved in Iraq that Iran now has the power to challange us internationally! What wonder, far-sighted people you guys all are! GOOD JOB!
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