Haha I change my icon too much >> :P
Oooh Hillary drew my loverly RAINI for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*spazz* Audra wants me to go ahead and scan it and enter it in her Draw
Raini contest on DA for Hillary XD ♥ I LOVES YOU HILLARY!
Also, I took some pictures of my spiffy outfit today and my fabulous
dress (that Elizabeth has aggressively claimed, might I add o-o). I
need to upload 'em to my comp (which I'll do here in a few so I can
show some to ye). There's not many and they're not too creative as of
right now 'cause mom was tired and I didn't feel like getting all FWAH
with it. And we couldn't go outside, so scrap any stock photos XD
Later. I will have stock later :)
Aaah, I need to draw another pic of Raini. I started one earlier while
waiting for mum to get off the phone with da, but right now it consists
of a rough headshape and part of one eye >> I'm thinking of
putting her in a nurse-like apron and cap, and having her look
extremely annoyed, and have it be a promotion for people to donate to
the Hurrican Katrina fundraisers. I haven't had a chance to donate yet,
but I'm wanting to buy a keychain from Fireball (maybe several) to help
with donations.
Mmm. And yes. I am such a gothic slut (aie~ *lovles on the icon's creator, blueameko!!*).
Haha sorry they're huge >> Too lazy to resize~ _>
The white dress is my pretty Sarah McClintock wedding thing that Ellie
has claimed. The striped-skirt thing was my outfit today. It sorta
makes me think of Sleepy Hollow, and also the Cyanide print Poisoner's
skirts I want from ArsenicFashions. Mmm. Stripes.