Gluhwein recipe

Dec 22, 2012 02:02

A lot of you aren't European and probably have never had proper Gluhwein, instead you've had cheap bottled mulled wine and that's just wrong and actually usually nasty
because it's actually cheaper and better to make it yourself and it's super easy
and it's the best thing to drink when it's freezing out and your fingers are sore with the cold

You will need
for 1ltr of gluhwein

1 litre bottle cheap red wine (as long as it's not coloured antifreeze you're go)
30z/75g sugar (to taste)
1 orange
1 tsp whole cloves
1 tsp ground cinnamon or stick cinnamon
1 tsp ground allspice
juice of 1 orange and 1 lemon or 1 cup orange juice (tropicana is great for this)

pour the wine into a large pot and put on a very low heat, do not let it boil!
slice the orange and stud the slices with cloves, throw into the pot,
break up the cinnamon sticks (ignore if you're using ground) and guess what throw in the pot
add the sugar, all spice and the orange juice, stir, and leave on a very low heat for about half an hour
taste it, if you can still taste the very cheapness of the wine, add more sugar until you're happy with the taste but it shouldn't be too sweet but if you want it syrupy add more sugar
if you're worried about getting stuff at the bottom of the cup, pour through a tea strainer to serve

serve in a mug! (or polystyrene cup if you don't trust your guests with your china)
that's it
so if you're having a winter party it's a good way to have your guests liquored up on the cheap with something yummy and warm (because it's served hot it hits the bloodstream fast)
and it makes the house smell fantastic, it is the reason Europeans etc go to Christmas markets, that and blossom tea for those of us who can't drink

it's also great on christmas evening to keep you happily merry without making you so drunk you're sick!

gluhwein, recipe

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