Title: Crows in the Wheatfield 1/22
Author: Seraphim Grace
Fandom = Supernatural
Pairing = Castiel x Dean (god is love in all its forms)
Rating = NC17
spoilers = yes for season 4, set between Great pumpkin and the one after that I've forgotten the name of
AU - set in the world of american gods and sandman but also the spn universe, previous volumes included Silent Hill and the Darkness. This will not make sense without reading the previous two.
suggested by keire_ke who wanted a story based around the song "Set the Fire to the Third Bar" by Snow Patrol
Crows in the Wheatfield is thought to be the last painting by Vincent Van Gogh who shot himself when it was finished.
In which John Winchester makes a very strange bargain
In which John Winchester makes a strange bargain