ficlet = Wee!Nagi = bad hair day

Apr 07, 2007 13:59

Ficlet: Bad Hair day
Author: Seraphim Grace
Series: Weiss Kreuz - wee!Nagi series
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Notes: I have to mother Nagi, I’m just hardwired that way.

Crawford had had a long day of testing pharmaceutical additions to his power when the trainer woke him from his stupor hours before he was due to finish. He blinked at the man fish eyed for a few moments trying to figure out exactly what it was his instructor was trying to tell him.
"Crawford," the man said patiently, "your apartment's on fire."
Crawford tried to bustle into action and ended up falling flat on his face. The instructor rolled his eyes and pushed him towards the car.

When Crawford reached their modest Munich apartment he listed up the stairs like a drunken sailor to find Farfarello sitting in the concrete hallway sucking on one of Nagi's candies and looking innocent. "It had nothing to do with me," he said firmly.
Crawford opened the door half expecting a back draft reaction, he had rather enjoyed that film afterall. What he saw was much more disturbing than a wall of flame.
Nagi sat in a tin bath in the middle of the sitting room floor, with blonde hair which was smoking, screaming, Schuldig was on the balcony happily burning the child's bedding. "What?" He said when he saw Crawford looking at him trying to speak but the word's just weren't coming. "Kid had cooties."

wk, wee!nagi, weiss

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