My tarot reading for the day

May 17, 2007 04:39

Three Card Spred, The Fairy Ring Deck

in the Past position.

When the festival card of Ostara appears in a spread, it heralds dawning creativity, emergence, an inpouring of energy and ideas,versatility, dexterity, idealism, and individuality. An idea or situation begins to crystallize and take form.

Jenny Greenteeth - Reversed
in the Present position.

When Jenny Greenteeth appears reversed in your cards, she indicates a necessary sacrifice, albeit an unwilling one. You will have to give up one thing in order to gain another.

Fairy Horse
in the Future position.

When the Fairy Horse appears upright in your cards, he indicates movement and travel, journeying to new places and new experiences. He is the harbinger of good health, vitality, energy, and innovation. Events will move quickly, and rapid progress will be made.

Celtic Spred - Second Reading, Concentraited on other people in my life.

Concerning others around me, I pulled the Banshee card. I sort of already had this feeling, but this somewhat confirms my .... intuition.

The Banshee brings you bad news or a warning of disaster. She is telling you that others are working behind the scenes to do you a disservice. Beware of evil gossip about you, and treachery by disloyal friends and loved ones.
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