The Social Network and Books

Feb 06, 2011 21:45

Saw the Social Network last week. I was not sure if I wanted to watch it or not but i was convinced by friends and that it was only $2
(oh tuesdays at rainbow cinema how I love thee). I came out of being like, wow. I talked about it after and I was intrigued and interested the entire movie, which is fantastic for me since I tend to get bored/restless during most movie viewings. I suspect that perhaps I have watched to many movies in my lifetime and am not amused anymore? Maybe fed up with Hollywood? I find I enjoy European films more and more lately.

Anyway as soon as I got home I updated my FB status that I had seen the movie, ironically enough :) And then I proceeded to look up fic about Zuckerberg and Severan, movie canon verse of course, cause they were just too cute. Wardo acted like a very jealous boyfriend/best friend when Sean Parker came into the picture. Which turned out he had just cause. I just loved that scene where Wardo finds out what his stock has been reduced to and goes ballistic of Mark's laptop. Also when Wardo comes to Palo Alto and finds out what Mark and Sean have been up to without him, love it! Maybe I love Andrew Garfield?  haha :)

I also saw How to Train your Dragon (at last!) and I want a Toothless now! I think we all deserve a Toothless is our lives :)

Has anyone read "Here, they be Dragons?" by James Owen ? Its a young adult novel that I haven't been able to finish . . . I like the idea behind it. Its a cute jumble of many mythical and literary characters and figures. Its pretty find when you find out that the Green Knight is actually Sydney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities. But I just couldn't get through the writing! I was also so terribly bored when reading it, I've just absolutely given up. Still like the idea behind it though. Anyone have that experience? Like the idea but just can't get through the writing?

Also best thing that happened this week? I found Throne of Jade and Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik at my local used book store IN PRACTICALLY NEW CONDITION for $1 a piece, SO SWEET :) Isn't it kind of sad that finding these books at this price is a highlight of my week? haha :)
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