Way back in 1993 Tom Hanks made a little film called Philadelphia with Antonio Banderas and Denzel Washington, portraying a top lawyer that is struck down by AIDS and the nature of his true sexuality is brought to light. His company fires him, but Tom's character Andy does not give in so willingly so he hires Denzel and with the help of his life partner (Antonio's character) wants to get back at them and prove that having AIDS is not justification for termination because of what it implies.
He won is first Best Actor Oscar for this, and had made an incredibly moving speech which I have searched and searched for. I finally found it, and as I watched it I got all chocked up, because it really is on hell of a speech.
I wanted to share it, because it truly is a wondrous little oratory,
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x49rq9_1993-philadelphia-oscar-acceptance_shortfilms I was watching Hanks interview with James Lipton (the Actor's Studio) and they got to the philadelphia film . . . . Hanks was talking about a man he conversed with who had passes away not long after the film was released. In fact out of the 53 men who confirmed they were gay and worked on the film, 43 had died during/ a little after the film was released. Hanks said that it was very diffucult for him to watch the film because so many of the men he worked/conversed with were no longer alive . . . and he choked up, took a moment to control himself and went on.
Thank you Tom Hanks for being such a wonderful actor and being so courageous a one, it was and still is a wonderful film