Nov 22, 2007 21:38
It's been a very long time since I've posted here, and I figure I ought to start doing it again. I know you guys are really desperate to hear the mundane details of my life. So here are some recent events, in no particular order:
Went to my mom's best friend's house and had way too much to eat. It wasn't as fun as last year, but they're living in this rental house until they find a new one to buy, and the Fung Shui there is all jacked up. Good to see her kids and such though, and my mom and my step-dad are in town, so of course they were there also. And it's not a holiday in my family until you've set something on fire, so we had some serious flames in the oven from the turkey grease. It smelled like burning plastic. I wish we had taken a picture. The smoke alarms never went off. Good to know.
Quiznos can kinda kiss my ass right now. Thursday before last they laid off my boss, and since I'm his assistant they're giving me some new crappy mystery job. No one will tell me when I'll be torn away from what's left of my department, what exactly I'll be doing, or what the pay is like. After the holidays are over I'm dusting off my resume and heading elsewhere. Chipotle corporate would be awesome; it's casual day every day there. And you can bring your dog to work. I don't have a dog, but I would enjoy everyone else's.
My car is fracking cursed. First it was hit by a street sweeper and I couldn't open the driver's side door from the outside (and I got a ticket for not moving my car on street sweeping day), and now someone has broken my passenger side window into very tiny pieces that are all over the inside of my car. I've got a new door and window now though, so I just have to wait for some good weather and Kayla's dad will help me fix it. He's awesome.
That's all for now I suppose. The folks I talk to all the time probably already know about this stuff, but for those of you who don't, enjoy. Or something. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I'm feeling pretty thankful myself.