Mar 25, 2007 20:58

So...yeah...haven't been on in a few days...yeah. I closed a lot, and I would get online late, and of course I headed to Gaia first. And while I'm on Gaia, my brother comes home from work and gives me grief for being online. Being online still as he puts it. Somehow I don't think he realizes that I had just gotten home from work myself and I haven't been online for the past 4 hours. So, I would get off before posting something here.

So, that mean coworker quit...and I find out on Thursday that she had reached a new level of violence for her. She actually shoved around one of my coworkers, before storming off to find the store manager to chew him out. Hm-m-m-k. That doesn't sound like the sweet, hardworking person she claims she is. I've been keeping my eyes out for her, cuz she also threatened everyone else in my department with physical harm.

taieta, Kristin, and I went to see TMNT last night. It was pretty cool. I loved that line that Casey Jones said to Raphael...he pointed at a bank robber, who Raph beat up and was trying to crawl away while he and Casey Jones talked, and Casey said Aww...isn't that cu-ute? He's trying to get away! I definately want to get the soundtrack...there are some really familar songs in that movie that I haven't heard in forever...especally that one from the scene where Raphael was trying to beat up this little baby demon thing in a diner...although the baby demon thing actually did a number on Raph. I used to hear that song on the WRIF...but it's been a lo-o-ong time since I have.
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