Mar 17, 2007 20:48
I had completely forgotten yesterday that a month ago I made shamrock cookies. I made them along with some hearts a few days before Valentines Day. They were made early because back then, we didn't know if our kitchen would still be gutted or not. I had them stuck in the freezer until St. Patrick's Day so I could frost them and put them out. I was gonna frost them yesterday...and it slipped my mind cuz I had bread pudding on the brain. So, I did some housework and then ran to Meijers real quick for a toy for the birthday boy. I got him this Little People dinosaur thing with a caveman, a mommy brontosaurus and baby (there was also a triceratops one and a tyranosaurus one). I was also surprised to see that that company still made Weebles...I haven't seen a Weeble in forever. I almost bought him a Weeble set...but then I thought it might be too girlie. The only Weeble sets they had were fairy tale sets...Frog Prince and Little Red Riding Hood...I can't imagine a boy playing with that. I was really glad that I bought the dinosaur set, because someone else got him the large dinosaur playset...which the brontosaurus (which I bought), triceratops, and tyranosaurus sets attaches to.
We leave for the party. It's complete and utter chaos. There had to have been 30 adults and 20 children running around. I did find out that the birthday boy's parents knew and invited a guy who I sat next to in American History to 1877 a year ago. What a small world this is. It seems to happen with this family. I remember a time when my godsister first started dating her husband, he worked at my bank and we would laugh everytime I came in because we looked familiar to each other, but not know from where. Until I went to the godsister's father's birthday party and saw him...then we spent a few weeks laughing over the fact of how we knew each other. At their bridal shower, his grandmother ran up to me...she was one of my customers from back when I was a cashier.
Chaos insued at the party. There were so many kids running around it was impossible to keep track. While little Nathaniel "opened his gifts"...or should I say his big sister opened them while he wandered around waving a multi-colored bow...toddlers were wandering around the room and I had my hand stepped on by the same toddler twice and birthday boy Nathaniel once. One of the family's beagles, Paolo, was laying on the floor next to me in total glory...he had attentions showered on him by four of the older boys. It's funny to hear "serious" conversations made by children. This one boy was acting like a dog know-it-all and I heard him tell his buddies I used to have a dog, but my mom wouldn't let me keep him. He then rolled his eyes, shook his head and said Moms! as if the mother was a child who didn't understand.