(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 18:32

This is Erin.
Ps, everyone, I got a new cell phone #, but I'm not gonna post it so just call me and find out what it is!!! For all of you who really care, you should know the number.
Ashly is being very bloody kind and letting me update since I want to get something off my chest.

For all of you that are reading my Marcus's journal, don't worry! Nothing is wrong with our relationship at all. We're not "slipping." My parents aren't trying to split us up. They just worry that I'm being "too serious." It's hard for my mom because she forgets that I'm seventeen and growing up. For another thing, I haven't been doing anything with anyone! I've been WORKING five days a week, for about seven hours at a time, which drains you, believe me! So not only do I have nearly no time at this point, but I'm so tired when I do have time that I don't usually want to do anything but talk a little and go to sleep. That doesn't mean I don't care, or that my parents are limiting me, it means I'm damn tired! Every free second goes to Marcus-- thinking about him, calling him, making plans... I'm doing the best I can!! So don't think I'm the uncaring girlfriend. I'm not.

It upsets me a little, this idea. For one thing, this rule no longer exists, and for another, I just deal with the things that disappoint me. IF YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT, ADAPT!!! That is my philosophy.

I love him and I'd do anything for him. But I am not superwoman. I'm doing the best I can.

Thanks for letting me update, Ashy.
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