Stayed Home From School.

Dec 09, 2003 13:16

Yeah, I have a sore throat and a killer headache. Go me! My brother has a sore throat also. That stupid little bitch probably drank out of my pop or something. Or maybe it's from me kissing Amber and Lyz at school... I have no idea. -^.^- The Amazements of Being Bisexual!

Yesterday I was so fucking hyper. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I think it was because I was pissed off slightly, but happy. After school I hung out with Corky, Kitty, and Doug. My mom took me to my psycho appointment while Corky, Kitty, and Doug went off to The Bean. My mom and I went up there... I didn't want her to stay because Nic was there and she's just a bitch about Nic and I. I got myself my usual and I told my mom I was going to go look for all of those people, and she pulled me back by my sleeve. Then she finally left when she made sure I had a ride home. So we were basically just hanging out, talking to people. There were some of the usuals up there, so we talked to them. We were having fun with Corey's digital camera. Corey is so slick. Nic was taking a picture of them and during the last second, Corey leaned over and kissed Doug. XD I think Doug pissed himself with excitement at that point. lol After awhile I got kind of sad... I guess I was thinking too much. I can explain that in a little bit.

Yet right now I am pissing myself with excitement because Ivy IMed me today. She knows all of the people I know from up at The Bean, and I am thinking about attending one of her boyfriend's punk rock shows. I've seen Derek (her b/f) up at The Bean. He is friends with Dan (the cool one with the mohawk). Dan and Derek used to be in a band called Electric Sex Monkeys. They were really good, and they're in a new band called "Anthrophobic Youth." Check them out, whores!!!

So my mom and dad are pissed off at me. My mom is pissed that I stay home from school, and get on the internet. My dad is pissed because my mom bitches at him. My mom is also pissed that I came home at 11 at night on a school night. Once again I find myself living for the weekends. ::Sigh.:: Well.. My mom is always pissed off at me, so fuck her. ^^

Well, I read Nic's LJ and I guess he's upset with my mentioning of razorblades. Ugh.. I told him I was a lot to handle, and he said something about liking it, I think... I don't know. I'm gay. When Nic and I were driving Kitty and Corky home, I revealed to them some of the things I was forced into a few years ago. I cave into peer pressure pretty easily. Yeah, some of those things have definitely affected the person I have become today. I told them about one incident, but I have a lot more that I just don't like talking about, or even remembering. Well, let's look on the bright side: BUNNIES!!!! Anyway... Last night I was tempted to tell Nic I, er, love him, but I was like "Eh..." I guess I'm trying not to get too attached because he said something about breaking up with girls because it feels like he's going out with them for too long. Corky reassured me that he didn't really like all of those girls, and that this was different, but you know. o.o I also think I am assuming that everything feels really.. physical? Makes me kinda' sad, but whatever.

Yeah, so I guess Danny and I aren't really that great of friends anymore. It's funny because he was always the one freaking out that Mark would take me and some others away from him... Looks like he's the one who has joined Mark. Oh, and the fact that Danny went over and talked to Dan and Kris, and when I called him a traitor, he said "But I talk to you in the morning." That was queer... Yeah, and Dan you little fuck, fuck you for getting lovey-dovey with Kris in the spot where we used to meet at last year. Fuck you. I hope you kill yourself. DIE!!! MOTHER FUCKER, DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE! And remember to use protection when you fuck a llama.

Okay, so I am thinking about cutting my hair shoulder length again like I had it last year. Well, I was talking to Doug, Badger, and Phill earlier today when they stopped by (thank you sweethearts). I also wanted to color my hair... Here are the ideas I was present with:
1.) Dye my bangs white (WTF?)
2.) Dye my hair a burgundy color and then dye my bangs white (WTF?)
3.) Dye my hair black and dye my bangs white (WTF?????)

... Can you tell they want me to be like Rogue? LOL Hehe... I think I will just dye my hair a burgundy color first... Who knows. If you guys have any other ideas, lemme know! Or just tell me which options I should go with. ^_^\/ Oh yeah.. So does anyone want to cut my hair? LOL Um, if my mom makes me do something before I can cut my hair then I might need to ask some people to cut it for me... Hm... XD So if you guys know anyone, fuckin' let me know!
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