Aug 28, 2016 18:24
Spiels about the friend zone and men vs women being aggressors. Two underlying assumptions. First 5 seconds. And market economy, where men are the buyers. Link to what I read about studies that set up women as aggressors lead to men being more discerning. How discerning can you be when your options are limited?
Then the racism in America and who can be racist. Wanted to link the racism in America. When can white people have institutional racism against them? When their identities have intersectionality with another marginalized population. How then people will not conflate their experiences with the experiences of minorities, because they don't fit in the same bubble. They don't have the same experiences. So we discount what they have similar, to focus on the differences. Then focus on how that differs with the marginalized pop. Like when women or gays are typecast as white, so its the black women or gays who are further marginalized. But poor white people? Uneducated white people? White people who suffer from systematic poverty? No, because we view that as something else, they aren't the same.