stoled from my katey :)

Jun 25, 2007 22:18

100 Truths!

1. real name - if you dont know you shouldnt

2. like it - yes

3. single or taken - single

4. zodiac sign- scorpio

5. male or female - female

6. elementary school- westvale... and sj elementary?

7. middle school- andover and milford middle

8. high school- milford

9. eye color- blue

10. hair color - right now? blond dirty blonde and light brown

11. long or short - medium?
15. are you a health freak- no

16. height - 5'5ish?

17. do you have a crush on someone - probably. and he probably knows.

18. do you like yourself?- usually

19. piercings - my ears

20. tattoos - nada

21. righty or lefty - righty

FIRSTS -------:

22. first surgery - i had a crazy tooth surgery

23. first piercing - ears

24. first best friend - haha. chris and andrew... and the other girl that hung out with us 3 and 4 year olds... and then kim... and then wyatt and then amy s. and then amber and bridget and then my jew. :)

25. first award - 1st place essay in the whole third grade of the state of utah. woot

26. first sport - basketball?

27. first pet- sunshine the hamPster lol

28. first vacation - prolly cali

30. first crush- haha. andrew


49. eating - nothing

50. drinking - nothing

52. i'm about to - go to bed

53. listening to - breaking benjamin

55. waiting for - healing

57. wearing - bball shorts and school shirt.

FUTURE----> :

58. want kids?: yes

59. want to get married?: yes

60. careers in mind?: child therapist


68. lips or eyes?: eyes... and then lips. my two favorites.

69. hugs or kisses: hugs

70. shorter or taller: taller than me

71. tan skinned or light - either

72. romantic or spontaneous - yes

73. dark or light hair - dont matter

74. built muscular or normal: dont matter

75. hook-up or relationship: relationship

76. similar to you or different: depends.

77. trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker :þ


78. kissed a stranger: no

79. drank bubbles: no

80. lost glasses/contacts: nope. lost someone elses

83. climb up a tree: its been too long

84. broken someone's heart: nope. if a heart was broken they'd be dead.

85. been arrested: nope

86. turned someone down: yes

87. cried when someone died: yes

88. liked a friend as more than a friend: yes


89. yourself: tuesdays.

90. miracles: sometimes. i think i may have ran out...

91. love at first sight: not

93. Santa Claus: yes

94. Sex on the first date: no.

95. Kissing on the first date: nope.


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? yes

98. Who is it? you dont get to know

99. Why arent you with them right now? ...

100.Do you believe in God?: yes

repost this as "100 truths" and the next time you see that special someone you'll have the best time of your life
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