Jun 14, 2008 17:39
I laugh at the people who call an all nighter something that they wake up at 1 PM, and then sleep at 10 am the next day. It is a gleeful laugh, touched with a bit of jealousy. For these peopel either pull the all nighter for studying, or because they have nothing better to do.
What makes me laugh even more is how much the complain the following morning about how tired they are. All I say is... try waking up at 9 am, staying awake all day, then going to work at 10:30 to call in, and working from 12:00 until 8:30 at a subway station cleaning it. Go home, and crash at 10 am. THAT, my friends, is an all nighter.
I hate staying up that long, but the money is good, and the people I work with are awesome, so yeah.
btw, sleeping from 10 - 3:30 is a bitch because peopel find that to be the perfect time to MOW THEIR LAWNS. God damn, where is the rain from the night before? Oh right. FLOODING STAIRWELLS IN MY STATION.
Sorry, I'm a little cynical with a lack of sleep. Blame the night shift.