Fireworks! (Retrospective)

Jul 07, 2007 10:29

It was the best of times…it was the worst of times…that pretty much sums up my past week. Work has been hell (though today, yes I’ve got Saturday duty this week, will hopefully be slow) and I won’t go into the details; but my life outside of work has been at the very least peaceful.

This Independence Day, I spent eight hours in the sun with only a three small patches of sunburn, and a little color on my nose and checks to show for it, and enjoyed every single moment of it. Being bare-chested (power to the skinny white boys!), and barefooted (yeah for hot black top!), with the sun beating down and a delicious breeze coming over the water made for a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

I ate most of the day, and sunbathed a lot. I walked around and spent as little money as I could (I brought a lot of food so I didn’t have to buy stuff there). I people watched. I smiled watching folk of all ages fly kites, cringed seeing the number of lobster red, and artificially bronzed bods (skin damage ahoy), admired some interesting body art, winced at the number of bare-chested guys with pierced nipples (ouch!), and wished that girls who wore bikinis did bar exercises. Most of the girls I saw either didn’t have the butts to fill out their bikini bottoms which left them saggy, or overfilled them a little which is equally unappealing to me. To be fair, I’m not much to look at bare-chested, and there were an awful lot of guys walks around that I wanted to tell to put their shirts back on.
One girl sitting right behind us though had the body for it…nice tummy, nice boobs, and nice butt; plus the bikini color completed her skin well. All in all she won my vote for best beach bod.

Oh and the person to get the most ridiculous outfit was the Dread Pirate Roberts in tight black leggings, faux leather boots, what looked to be a black S&M belt with metal rings, black tank top and leather vest, black goatee and ponytail. Yikes!

The fireworks were awesome, and my camera phone is awesome. It has a burst shot feature which takes 4 pictures/second so I got about 150 shots of fireworks.  Some are pretty good but I haven’t mastered the timing yet so most are fairly unimpressive. The choreography was really good to; I especially liked the 2001 Space Odyssey theme, and the Austin Powers theme. I got a little misty eyed as the Gospel choir sang the national anthem, and cheered my heart out when the Apache carried the HUGE US flag across the water. Despite the current state of things I still believe in the IDEA of the United States, and the ideals it was based upon. We are humans and we screw things up. It’s inevitable and it’s sad, but we have to except that and not let it discourage us from trying harder.

The rest of the week outside of work has been good to. I’ve lined up two auditions, and spoken with a third company about an audition in August. After work today I will prepare a new monologue for my audition tomorrow. I’m not too enthused about it, but I don’t want to pass up an audition opportunity. In any case, a belated happy 4th, and best of luck on this lucky day 07/07/07.

BTW I wouldn’t be surprised if today will see a record breaking number of weddings; as scientific and a-religious as our society is most people are still superstitious as all get out.

Love Y’all!
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