Sep 06, 2005 21:58
There's gotta be like a full moon coming up or something...because my parents are acting all funkyfied. My dad made me change my pants because I was sitting on the porch, and then I had this whole conflict with my mom because she's all...well yeah.
I was already going to make these brownies for some people at school, just because they're awesome, but we only had one egg. Therefore, I could only make a half-recipe. So I had like 10 brownies. My mom decided at the last minute that she wanted me to save some for my little brother's lunch, and I said I'm sorry I kinda can't due to my shortage of brownies. She got all mad, and was like "Well technically they're my brownies anyway because I bought the mix." So I said, "Look mom give Robert some candy or something I only have 10 brownies." And she said, "Well Becky I'm not happy with you."
Later, she decided I needed to clean at least one guinea pig cage. I had cleaned them both recently and they were like...clean. But she was still determined that I should do something besides what I wanted to do, so I showed the obviously cleanliness of both cages and she was like "Well Becky I'm not happy." She was not amused when I suggested Zoloft. *ahem*
Then my dad somehow made the logic jump between my not wearing shoes and my eventual driver's license. He said if I couldn't take care of my own feet, then obviously I couldn't take care of a car, or the passengers in it. I made a "whhhaaat...." face at him and he got all mad and said "Put some shoes on NOW." So I did. He was not amused when I pointed out that he wasn't wearing shoes either.
I'm done bitching now.