Title: The Picture Of Frank Iero
seraph05Rating: PG
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys and especially not the image of Frankie no matter how colored it is ^_^
Summary: The rustic red windmill he was inquisitively watching in the background faded into non-existence.
The rustic red windmill he was inquisitively watching in the background faded into non-existence. Carefully manicured black locks whisked across a soft creaseless brow. Pink lips curled into a casually curious smile decorated with a silver ring. Shadows brushed enviously over perfect cheeks, nose and eyelids. Ivory lashes framed piercing irises that seemed to glow lush greens and fiery auburn. All features where bent to his eyelevel as he sat waiting for the others to find them.
“Gerard” he called softly without speaking, words in his eyes “Gerard”
In reply movement found him and he leaned forward so slowly.
“There you guys are come on let’s go!” a gruff voice shattered their world.
Frank blinked and stood up straight, slipping Gerard a secret smile as he walked away.
A/N: I hope this makes you laugh, you know who you are *the author grins*