Small Fandom Bang Fic: Challenge What the Future Holds

Apr 13, 2014 02:18

Title: Challenge What the Future Holds
Author: seramercury
Artist: mella68
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Characters/Pairings: ensemble, Pete/Myka
Rating/Category: PG-13/Het
Genre: angst, h/c, romance, friendship
Word Count: 12,041
Warnings spoilers for season 4, violence
Summary: Pete Lattimer’s life change the moment he met Mrs. Frederic and became a Warehouse agent. Now he’s about to face his biggest challenge after putting his friends, the Warehouse, and the Earth in danger to save the woman he loves. Pete will have to face his past if he wants to have a future.
Author’s Notes: I’d like to thank karri_kln1671 and taliahale for the beta and mella68 for the beautiful artwork.
Disclaimers: Warehouse 13 and all related characters are property of the SyFy Channel.

Link to fic master post: AO3 //
Link to art master post: AO3

fanfic:smallbang, pairing:pete/myka, fandom:warehouse 13

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