K-chan NEWS [08.29.12] Translation

Sep 01, 2012 05:56

A/N: Gosh, I'm so behind with the translations @_@ Huhu. Anyhooz, FINALLY updated the translation for K-chan NEWS from this Tuesday xD lol. Had stuff to do, so kind of got delayed >< Hoping to translate last night's Master Hits on time xD

This episode was just so funny xD Shige was kind of a hot topic in this episode HAHA! And gosh, when they talked about when they cried in the opening of their live tour, gosh ;___; The vulnerable side of Koyama is just ♥

And I therefore conclude that SHIGE IS WILDER THAN MASSU. HAHAHAHA!

Massu talked about his upcoming drama as well :3

Okay, enough blabbering :))

Enjoy~! :D


K-chan NEWS 8/29/12

K: Good evening! This is NEWS’ Koyama Keiichiro! This is the last episode of K-chan NEWS for the summer vacation. Tonight’s guest is him, Masuda Takahisa-kun!

M: No~! *deep voice* This is Kato Shigeaki!

K: *laughs* It’s just the voice.

M: This is Kato Shigeaki.

K: Don’t do that. It’ll be bad for your throat. We’re even in the middle of a live tour.

M: Yeah, we’re in the middle of a live. *clears throat*

K: It’ll be bad if your voice gets affected during live. *laughs* Kato-san, ne? We did an event in Tokyo Zepp, right? And Shige said that his voice is really like that, so you won’t really notice when his voice is hoarse. So it’s always the same.

M: So his voice doesn’t really change when his voice is hoarse. So he was saying that his voice was hoarse.

K: *laughs*

M: He was saying that, ne? But we’ve known him for so many years and I think I’ve never heard him with a hoarse voice.

K: *laughs* But I think his voice is hoarse.

M: There’s a possibility that his voice hoarse, nearly.

K: *laughs* What I was surprised at Zepp Tokyo was that he wasn’t heard even through the mic.

M: *laughs* In the middle, we told Shige to use the mic and he was like, “I AM!”

K: He should do his best, ne? Anyway, Masuda-san

M: Yes.

K: Since it’s summer, did you do anything that’s summer-like?

M: Summer-like?

K: Well, Tegoshi does a lot, ne?

M: Ahh~ he goes to the beach and fireworks.

K: He does, ne?

M: But I didn’t go to any fireworks festival this time.

K: Oh yeah, I didn’t go either. Tegoshi did a few times, ne?

M: He said he was going.

K: What’s with him? That’s so cool.

M: I think the only thing I did this summer was just live. I didn’t go anywhere for private.

K: You’re right… Even in Fukuoka, Tegoshi was like that too, right? Before the Fukuoka concert, he said he went to the beach.

M: Oh yeah, that’s nice, ne?

K: *laughs* He’s enjoying summer.

M: It also has to do with the stamina.

K: Yeah, he doesn’t get tired, ne? But I also didn’t do anything except the live. I’m so glad we have outdoor live.

M: Yeah.

K: That’s why I can feel the summer.

M: And the complexion, ne? You just go out a bit.

K: You’ll get sunburned, ne?

M: I wear long sleeves properly though.

K: Properly, ne? *laughs*

M: Long sleeves and pants and wrap a towel around my neck.

K: Well I’m sure it’s in the making. [MMHMMMM :> DVD~!!!] So since summer’s ending, I hope you all enjoy the remaining days.

M: Yeah, I hope you get to make some memories.

K: It’s still summer, so let’s start with this song, NEWS’ Summertime!

(Song: Summertime)

K: Masuda Takahisa’s: Wild Transformation! Here we are, Masuda-san. And you’re wearing sunglasses. [I DEMAND A PICTURE HAHA]

M: You can see yourself (the reflection), ne?

K: So it’s like a mirror, ne? Can you face the staffs? To those who think it looks good, please raise your hand… *laughs* Just the manager? I think it was just out of pity.

M: Yeah, that was out of pity! What was that 2 seconds? (I think the manager paused before (s)he (??) raised his hand xD)

K: *laughs* Isn’t that huge?

M: Well, it is. But I think it’s smaller than the others.

K: It is? But is it just a coincidence…?

M: Hm?

K: Isn’t it completely Sugi-chan?

M: Ah, well, I guess… Sugi-chan… type, ne?

K: …the type.

M: Well even the bottom, ne?

K: It is! Even your half (Capri) jeans. It’s really short, ne? Even your denim jacket matches!

M: Yeah, it has a hood.

K: You’re Sugi-chan… Stylish Sugi-chan.

M: *laughs* Stylish Sugi-chan. Stylish-chan (Oshare-chan HAHA!)

K: *laughs* Stylish-chan…

M: But in this apparel industry, this denim vest doesn’t sell. But I guess they were like, “This is like Sugi-chan.” So they couldn’t phase it out, so they sold some. But it didn’t seem to sell well.

K: So in your case, you wear a lot of that denim setup?

M: Well, it was my first time to wear it this year… today. But it’s acceptable, right?

K: But wearing those might make other people look at you slightly like Sugi-chan.

M: Do you think they’ll see it that way?

K: *laughs* I’m sure they’ll see it that way.

M: Really?

K: Anyway, so today’s Wild Transformation. This is a perfect topic. I’ll start reading, Masuda-san!

M: Okay, please do.

K: So in this segment, we introduce some things that Massu should try doing in order to turn wild. “When cutting your nails, cut your nails with scissors instead of nail cutter.”

M: *laughs* Wild, wild!

K: *laughs* Ouch! Scary!

M: It’s scary, ne?

K: It is~.

M: That’s so wild~.

K: There’s a nuance to the characteristics of a nail cutter. It’s so scary~.

M: Characteristics… *laughs* I just can’t seem to picture how you do it…

K: It’s hard to imagine, ne? It’s so scary.

M: I think keeping your nails clean is an important thing in hygiene.

K: Your nails are pretty nice, ne?

M: It is, right?

K: How often do you cut your nails?

M: Well I cut them every time they’re long, but I leave the white part a bit.

K: Oh, oh~… I used to make my nails really short.

M: Yeah, you’d want to cut it really deep.

K: But like when you play the guitar, oh, you played the guitar in your stage play, right? Wasn’t it in the way?

M: It was. That’s why during that time, I made them really short.

K: Yeah, it really gets in the way.

M: It really has an effect, ne?

K: Yeah. And the more wild part about this person is that there’s no name.

M: *laughs* Wild.

K: *laughs* Please write your name! [HEHE he was so cute here] We’ll go with the next one!

M: Okay.

K: Marireo from Aichi Prefecture.

M: Arireo-san.

K: “Eat yogurt with bare hands.”

M: *laughs*

K: Just do it. It’s easy.

M: *laughs* I see.

K: Shige’s like that too, ne? He uses bare hands.

M: *laughs* He does, ne?

K: Ah~, yogurt, ne?

M: ‘Cause Shige holds the chicken with bare hands.

K: Ah, yeah…

M: If you’re using your hands for chicken, you usually use your thumb and index finger to hold it without using the other fingers as much as possible, right?

K: Yeah.

M: Shige uses his palms and bites from it.

K: *laughs* Then his mouth and hands become sticky.

M: Then he wipes it with his jeans.

K: *laughs* He’s so wild~.

M: I can’t win against him.

K: Yeah. I think this one’s better to use spoon.

M: Yeah, let’s use spoon.

K: Let’s go with the next one. Last! I think you do this a lot. Mio-chankapana from Tokyo.

M: Mio-chankapana.

K: “Pretend you made a mistake and go into the women’s bathroom.”

M: Ahhh~ I won’t do this.

K: *laughs* Pretending to make a mistake? What do you mean?

M: Hmm…

K: But for example when you go on trips and you go to like the inns, there are times that they change the male and female’s bathrooms the next day, right?

M: Ahhh~ yeah, it happens.

K: Isn’t that dangerous?

M: Yeah, I wonder though.

K: Why do they change that?

M: Because maybe the tide’s different?

K: Like the open-air baths?

M: Maybe the utilities change?

K: The contents of the bath?

M: Yeah.

K: But in the open-air baths if there’s like a divider and I hear a woman’s voice, I listen sometimes. Like, “I wonder what they’re talking about~?”

M: *laughs* I see, I see.

K: That’s bad, ne~? …More than wild, that’s more of a pervert, ne?

M: Yeah, I can’t do that. So we should be careful, ne?

K: That’s all for Masuda Takahisa’s Wild Transformation!

K: Keiichiro’s Room! So now, the tour successfully started. There were a lot of special feelings this time, ne?

M: Yeah.

K: Yeah, and we also get to sing different songs. But I was anticipating that at some point, we’d feel emotional. And I honestly thought I was the one who’d get emotional right away since I’m easily moved to tears and I cry easily. Who would’ve thought~… it was you~… *laughs*

M: It was me.

K: You were the most emotional one.

M: It was me, ne?

K: What happened there? You were welled up?

M: Well, there are still people who haven’t seen [the tour] yet so I can’t say in details, but in one particular song, we had a lot of memories and I had strong feelings too. (HUHU THIS IS SHARE ;___;) So I reminisced a lot of things while singing.

K: That tear scene became a joke to NEWS.

M: It’s not a joke scene! It was a good scene!

K: *laughs* Then after that when Shige spoke in the last part, he also got emotional. Then I also got emotional too. Tegoshi was the only one who seemed to hold on, but on the last song, he also got moved. Maybe he gets moved when he sings his own part? (HUHUHU MY CREYS FOR FULLSWING ;A;)

M: He has those tendencies, ne?

K: *laughs* He has those tendencies. The people from the recording company were writing down the in details of what we said there for them to record, but they couldn’t write ‘cause they were all crying. They needed everything, but they were all like, “WAAAAH!” and cried. They were in the audience’s seat, crying in the front of everyone, ne?

M: It’s nice to know, ne?

K: Yeah, even the staffs cried this time, ne?

M: And the percentage of the staffs who cried was high, ne?

K: It was high. Well, the fans were too, but it wasn’t just the 4 of us, but it was the opening that we did all together with the fans and the staffs.

M: Well, everyone’s emotions were just really strong. Mine was just too fast. So I was the trigger.

K: *laughs* Yours was really fast~.

M: But it was pretty much the same for the opening, ne?

K: It was! Shige was saying the same thing too, but the view was so overwhelming!


K: *laughs* Well yeah, the outside view. But the fans!

M: Ah, ah, the fans, ne?

K: *laughing* Well the view outside was nice, but I meant the fans. The feeling of having the fans wait for us, that was really nice. So this was outdoor. Then went to Fukuoka. The fans were cool, ne~.

M: The opening was like a festival and it ended like a real festival. In Fukuoka, it was pretty calm and the feeling of happiness kind of added up to it, ne?

K: It did. This Sunday, we’ll be in Niigata Toki-Messe for the live tour.

M: Let’s get our hearts throbbed! (from the word ‘tokimeki’ xD ♥ )

K: Let’s do that in Toki-Messe!

M: In Toki-Messe!

K: There are a lot of puns like these lately, ne?

M: Like what?

K: Maybe you should make one like Taguchi?

M: Like “Iriguchi (entrance), deguchi (exit), Masuda desu!”?

K: It’s not even right. Something to go with Masuda… why don’t we collect?

M: *laughs* No, no! It’s fine. Doesn’t it make him feel like he’s obliged to do the puns like “Iriguchi (entrance), deguchi (exit), Taguchi desu!”?

K: *laughs* I wonder if he’s doing that because he feels like he has to do it?

M: I think he’s doing that a lot with confidence.

K: *laughs* So anyway, ah! Masuda-san! You’re gonna be in a drama!

M: Ah, thank you so much!

K: And it’s decided! What’s the title?

M: “Resident ~The Five Residents~ (Gonin no Kenshuui)”

K: Ohhh~ This ‘five residents’, you’re part of that five?

M: Yes, I’m part of it.

K: Oh~, there we go~.

M: There are five residents and realistically speaking of course, everyone has their own problems. So there are a lot of doctors and it’s about how they become residents and how they grow as time goes by.

K: That’s fantastic.

M: It is.

K: As for your character, do you see yourself in your character or personality?

M: I’m playing the obocchama. (I dunno the exact English translation for this, but it’s usually described as the son of a noble/rich family)

K: Seriously?!

M: Well, I kind of have that side.

K: You do?

M: Well there are some traits that I can’t hide.

K: Seriously!? Obocchama?

M: Well I really don’t have suits on my back. Oh, that’s bimbocchama, huh? (bimbo or poor + obocchama xD)

K: *laughs* Bimbocchama.

M: *laughs* Basically, my clothes are only half. I’m naked on my back.

K: This is so nostalgic, ne?

M: It is, ne?

K: Then let’s do the hairstyle…

Both of them: *laughs* (Koyama’s voice was so loud and high here HAHAHA)

M: It’s like, “I appear as a rich kid, but the truth is…”

K: *laughing*

M: I enter as a resident doctor and I’m like, “Nice to meet you!” and my back is naked. I only got to buy half. *laughing* This is a variety!

K: *laughs* This is exciting, ne? Starting when is this?

M: October. More details will be announced soon.

K: Yeah, this is a Thursday, ne?

M: It is. Thursday, 9pm on TBS. Please look forward to it!

K: That was the segment Keiichiro’s Room!

K: We’re ending the show. Massu, were you the type who finished homeworks right away or left them at the end?

M: I made sure I left them at the end!

K: You made sure you leave them, but you did them properly?

M: I did. I’ve always loved projects [referring to the handcraft stuff], so I started with those early. But the academics, I left them for the last. I pretty much did that.

K: *laughs* Ah~. Everyone, do your best, ne?

M: Do your best!

K: We accept different mails for the show: Massu’s Tonight’s Seat, Girls’ Talk, Imagination Kiss Situation, Shigetter, Masuda Takahisa’s Wild Transformation, Tegoshi Yuya’s First Experience, Shigeaki-sensei’s Law of Life, and many more. For the mails, send it to the address postal code 105-8002 Bunkahousou K-chan NEWS, Tuesday. The email address is news@joqr.net. You can access it also from the mobile web!

This was NEWS’ Koyama Keiichiro and…

M: Masuda Takahisa!

K: For the last song, NEWS’ Chankapana!

(Song: Chankapana)


Oh and one random sharing because I never got to share this and it's personal and I think you won't really care, but I'll still share it because I was so amused HAHA.

I saw this on my Facebook profile and I got so amused :))



Anyway, that's all. /bow

personal, k-chan news, koyama keiichiro, translation, masuda takahisa

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