Squee and giggles and giggles and squee!

May 30, 2016 02:05


So Katenay WAS the one who turned Ethan, the source of his curse! AHAHAHAA!! DID I CALL IT OR DID I CALL IT? I AM GENIUS LIKE WHOA!!!

And oh EEEEKKKKK for Evil Ethan. I THOUGHT they were headed that way. Oh, this is yummy and so fucking fascinating. He's tearing my heart out, so dark and tortured and sexy. You can see the steam powering out of his nostrils and the flames in his eyes. Is it even possible for him to come back? Where are they going with this? What's going to save Ethan? (I'm banking on it being Vanessa that eventually pulls him back from the brink somehow, but admittedly, I can't see how it would happen. A psychic showdown between her and Missy Thing? That would be epic!)

And thank you Logan, for that lovely hotness with Missy Thing. I figured they were going to do the nasty at some point, but I thought it would be after he dealt with his dad and was all triumphantly covered in blood and going ARRRR FUCK ME NOW I'M HORNY. (I did misread his whole "gonna have it out with Daddy" thing. I thought it was about IMA KILL THAT SUMBITCH, but it turns out it was DO IT DO IT I WANNA DIE RITE NOW.) But we got it earlier than I expected, which was a nice surprise. It was a bit more camera-shy than I craved, but nonetheless very delicious evil fucking. (Did you catch that he was fucking her canine style? HUMAN BE DAMNED I AM WOLFGOD NOW.) They really should have let it run its course, though. That moment would have soared with a good orgasm to cap it off, especially if she watched him without coming herself. NOT COMPLAINING, MIND YOU. uhn.... *sigh*

And my, my, Missy Thing herself. Now that's what I was talking about. She showed some of her interior this time, something besides her panting lust for murder, and now I get her a bit more. She's terrified not only of her Master, but of being alone in her terror. She's quite in love with Ethan in her way - he's her perfect mate. Of course, whether she's his is another matter.

Great choice of Daddy, too. Brian Cox brings a delicious world weariness and dark pain to the character. (Daddy was not what I expected at all, too. That whole situation was not what I expected.) Loved that scene with Malcolm...OUCH. Painful, that was, and Malcolm insisting they were different. YEAH, NO. You sucked as a dad. Own it, dude. And I'm ambivalent about losing Katenay. He was an interesting character and could have contributed more to the story. That is, if he's actually dead, which he may not be. He is a wizard, after all.

Then, of course, there's the doctors. What the fucking mischief they're up to! I do not for a second believe that that treatment will stick. If Victor actually manages to imprison Lily and pull that shit on her (which I doubt, she's a fucking monster after all, and two very dedicated Blood Sex Murder Minions enthusiastically have her back), I fully expect them to find out it's temporary soon afterwards. Probably just after Henry wakes up from having havign Victor administer it to him. Then Victor will have to deal with the double whammy of Lily going back to monstrously bloodthirsty (and man-hating! won't that be fun for Victor!) and Henry going back to murderously vengeful (YOU FUCKING WHITE PRICK WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME) at the same time, with no werewolf to back him up. Wheeee! (That is my theory, about the brontosaurus, and what it is, too.)

Oh, this is so luscious. I'm just loving all of it. I keep thinking the show is the best thing I've ever seen on TV, and it just Keeps. Getting. Better. What a tapestry they're weaving. I pray to Aphrodite and Kali and Bellona and Inanna that they keep getting renewed until the full story has been elegantly told, at which point they will bow out with a graceful, tragic, beautiful end. * sigh * A girl can dream...

P.S. I get the thing with Ethan's hair now. Yes, it had to go. Let's hope somehow we'll see it grow back.



fucking, hotness, squee, i'll be in my bunk, sex, yum, blood, penny dreadful, death, ethan

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