David Gerrold takes a dimwit to task for using Star Trek to prop up his bigotry and ignorance. William Lehman (whoever the fuck he is) claims that ST was all about the STEM TECH GODDAMMIT and not at all about the "SJW". Gerrold very rightly takes the little shit out back to the woodpile and reddens his ass with a 2x4.
I was there. I know what Gene Roddenberry envisioned. He went on at length about it in almost every meeting. He wasn't about technology, he was about envisioning a world that works for everyone, with no one and nothing left out. Gene Roddenberry was one of the great Social Justice Warriors. You don't get to claim him or his show as a shield of virtue for a cause he would have disdained.
Many, MANY thanks, David. I always knew you were cool.