the reason i sing.

Apr 26, 2011 21:52

All i want for my 21st! heheh

The Lion King Trilogy 8 Disc Set
oh man, can you spell L.U.S.T??

on another note: 
i'm almost done with school for this sem, i'm so glad. 
all my submissions for internship modules done and over with; all that's left is to finish watching my films and take that religion paper next week.

i really am extremely tempted to unfollow some people on twitter. but that will only be adding fuel to the fire. 
sigh. wieso immer so kompliziert?

i'm still sick and my voice still sounds funny. 
i guess i should just be glad it's at least back now. even if i cant sing still. 
and on the singing note (pun entirely unintended), 
the Cantate Domino's been ringing and ringing ever since i first saw it. it's love. 
can we do p&w in latin some day please?

and again on the singing note, albeit a different aspect, 
i came to a decision last Sonntag too. 
(You alone can make my song take flight)  
and i'm glad. i'm at peace :)

Cantate Domino canticum novum
cantate Domino omnis terra.
cantate Domino, et benedicite nomini ejus.
Quoniam magnus Dominus,
et laudabilis nimis.
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