Oct 08, 2005 10:35
Did you not miss me, fellowes? Did you not?!
I haven't been around because my lovely, lovely boi is now living with us, and that sucks up soooo much time in a delicious way. And for personal reference so i never forget cause it was hilarious, "i thought you were going to suck her face off." He helped me babysit the one week i've had to do it since he's been here....he arrived sepetmber the seventh, by the way, officially a month yesterday!
Whee...I've done absolutely nothing in the past two weeks (except get a UTI and freak out cause i thought a didn't have insurance and end up WAITING THE THING OUT FOR A WEEK. It's gone away now but FUCK did that suck), and i'm working on a third week of nothing. Joy! Fuck. I should get a better job, because i think the one i've got, tisn't working out.
Paul's been trying to find a job, and i got the paper for to look at and such, but there really isn't anything at this point that will hire a non-experienced-type. Which is lame. Cause if he doesn't get a job soonish, i dun think John is going to be happy.
Been hanging out alot recently with our friend the felon, named Dustin. He's a cool kid. And Poo, too, of all people, because he lives in walking distance. He needs to dump his girlfriend who is a complete fucking psycho.
MY SISTER HAD HER BABY!!!!! Picture post when i'm not feeling like a lazy bastard.
Daniel JR, 8 lbs, 1 oz - September 20th, i do believe.