Some Quiz I Found on Facebook

Jan 21, 2009 21:58

ONE - Spell your name without an E,S,H,I,N,A:
L V. Seriously, TWO letters?

TWO - Are you a loser?
I am a terrible loser, so I make a point of not losing often.

THREE - What’s your favorite number?
7. I could never work out why.

FOUR - Favorite color?:
Aqua/deep blue. Or a nice deep purple.

FIVE - Least favorite color?

SIX - What are you listening to?
Nothing at the moment, having just returned from sax group. I should really give poor Connor a new reed to play with rather than the one I've just diseased.

SEVEN - Sin?
What about it? I don't believe in God, which is probably right up there, sin-wise.

EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now?
Yes and no. I'm delighted with my career, but friendship/relationship-wise, I've hit a slump.

TEN - What was/is you favorite class in college?
English. Music was too easy. I enjoyed History and French too.

ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/AE?:
I tend not to notice the sign above the door of any shop I walk in. I'm so fashion-conscious, me.

TWELVE - How do you make money?
I teach teenagers music/PSE/how to not irritate me.

THIRTEEN - Where did you graduate from?
Chepstow Comprehensive School, South Wales. It was a fairly typical comp, and nothing like the amazing place I teach in now.

FOURTEEN - Are you outgoing?
In front of the class, yes. Otherwise, no. Not really.

FIFTEEN - One word to describe you?

SIXTEEN - Do you like Mac?
The Mac computers at school are amazing. Just astounding pieces of kit.

SEVENTEEN- Do you own big sunglasses?
No, as I don't model myself on Paris fucking Hilton.

EIGHTEEN- Where do you wish you were right now?
On a beach, in the sun. I could do with a holiday.

NINETEEN - What should you be doing right now?
Planning. Slightly.

TWENTY - Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
Yes. But it's fairly futile.

Can you blow a bubble?: Certainly.
Can you dance?: Horribly, but I greatly enjoy it.
Can you do a cart wheel?: I can. I haven't for a while, but I can.
Can you touch your toes?: It's getting more and more difficult with my lack of flexibility.
Can you whistle?: I hope so, or I'd be a shit music teacher.
Can you wiggle your ears?: Only one, weirdly.
Can you wiggle your nose?: No. But if you could see me I did try for a good minute or so.
Can you roll your tongue?: I can. I was under the impression everyone could?

Did you ever want to be a doctor? No. I was never much good at science.
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: Never crossed my mind.

Do you believe in God?: I'd love to say yes, as it gives people a lot of comfort but no. I'm an atheist, and a fairly millitant one at times.
Do you know how to swim?: Very well, in fact.
Do you like roller coasters?: I adore them. I quite fancy going to a theme park.
Do you own a bike?: ......somewhere?
Do you think you could be on those reality shows?: I'd lose my job. And rightly so.

Does hair loss run through your family?: On my father's side, I think so.
Does your car get good gas mileage? Very good, in fact. Although it always seems to be nearly out of fuel because I can't be arsed to fill it up.
Does your family have family picnics?: I don't think my family have EVER had a family picnic.

Have you ever been to the ocean?: I don't think so. Does flying over one count?
Have you ever gone fishing?: Never.

How much money do you have on you right now?: I tend to not look. I dread to think.
How do you eat yours?: I bite off the top and scoop out the fondant with my tongue. I presume we're talking Creme Eggs, right?

Last person you hung out with?: My housemates, I think. No-one much anymore.
Last thing you said out loud?: "Goodnight" to my housemate.
Last thing someone said to you?: "Goodnight". We're linguistic geniuses in our house.

What is the temperature outside?: About 2? Something like that.
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Probably Auberge. It often is. Oh! Actually, it was Pizza Express for Vicky's birthday. That was an awesome day.
What was the last thing you bought?: A bag of Cadburys shots, mostly eaten by Connor in sax group.
What was the last thing you had to drink?: Oasis fruit juice.

Who is your newest friend you added to Facebook?: Harrison - an ex student of mine who's now at Uni and somehow found me.
Who was the last person you IM'd?: More than likely Stu.
Who talked to you on the phone last?: The Heads of year 7 about some bastard who covered a chair in my room with glue.
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: My housemates Vicky and Caroline.
Who was the last person to leave you a comment: Stu. By the looks of it he was drunk.

Ever really cried your heart out?: Often.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: I tend to cry myself into a headache, rather than to sleep.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: I can't remember doing so. Possibly on Jamie's shoulder.
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Of course.
Do you cry when you get an injury?: A lot. I'm a wimp really.
Do certain songs make you cry?: Oh yes. I'm very sensitive to music.
Do certain movies make you cry?: By 'certain', do you mean 'all'?

What makes you happy?: My job, my students and a select few of my friends. Also, playing music in a band/group makes me happy.
Do you wish you were happier?: Definitely.
Is being happy overrated?: .....what?
Can music make you happy?: It does every minute of every day.

How many times have you had your heart broken?: I haven't. Not through a romantic relationship, since I'm fairly certain I've never been in love.

Do you actually hate anyone?: I don't hate anyone. I have scathing contempt for people, which is apparently scarier.
Ever made a hit list?: Of students to beat coursework out of? Yes. Of people to main and kill? No.
Are you a mean bully?: No. Rather surprising, since some people in my job are.

Is your self-esteem extremely low?: It can be. Certainly at the moment.
Do you believe in yourself?: Depends on the context.
Do you wish you could be someone else?: Often

What is your current hair color?: Brown with blonde streaks. I'm slowly destroying my hair.
Current piercings?: Just two in each ear, although I used to have my nose pierced.
Have any tattoos?: One on the back of my neck. I adore it.
Straight hair or curly?: Very straight.

What color of shirt are you wearing?: Pink. Much to my surprise.
Pants?: Jeans.
Shoes?: None.
Necklaces?: None. Although I have guitar-shaped earrings.

Hugged someone? All the time. I'm very tactile.
Been on the phone until the sun came up? Yes. Often to Stu while I was in my final year of Uni.
Laughed so hard you cried?: Often at my students.

Person you talked to in person?: Connor in year 11. We've just had sax group.
Person you talked to online?: More than likely Stu. Possibly Dan.

Time you had a shower?: God knows. I have baths.
Do you like surveys?: I do actually. It makes me think and evaluate.
Do you have mental breakdowns?: Regularly. Either through the stress of my job or through the stress of my single-status.

Current mood: Bunged-up and ill.
Current hair style: Pinned up in a knot at the back of my head.
Current crush: Lee. Although I change my mind every ten minutes.
Current desktop picture: Merlin. Which was ace, might I add?
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