Title: Love by a Different Name
Summary: "It was nothing but a chance encounter, a simple set-up that neither of them wanted to attend. But they did, and they had found each other." Sequel to “
Time Makes it Harder,” takes place in the Mirror-verse.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: adult content, coarse language.
Dedication: To
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I'm pretty new to the fandom so, I'm having a really good time poking my way through this ship.
This time, however, I actually followed my favorite 'Veronica Mars' fic writer into the fandom when she got sucked in and found herself with chlollie plot bunnies. Gotta say completely not regretting coming back to this. Course the last time I played in this sandbox Lex wasn't quite evil yet(what? we all knew it was coming) and I don't think they had graduated high school.
Thanks for the welcome.
No problem.
Passion's was the first soap that made me ask 'seriously? wtf is going on here'. I caught the show during it's summer debut and then I went back to school... when I went to watch it the following summer I was in shock at how the story lines were EXACTLY the same no changes and nothing new at all. I was like: that never happens on 'General hospital'. I unfortunately stand corrected now.
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