Ok..maybe its a little corny..but it makes me smile.

Sep 17, 2005 13:08

First of all...Pablo Neruda is the shit. If you think his poetry is corny, you should go to hell. He has better things than this, but I really like this one. Ok. look.

Sed de ti me acosa en las noches hambrientas.
(My thirst for you disturbs me in nights where I am hungry)
Tremula mano roja que hasta tu vida se alza.
(My red hand shakes until your life raises)
Ebria de sed, loca sed,
(Intoxicated with thirst, a crazy thirst)
Sed de metal ardiendo, sed de raices avidas.
(Thirst of scorching metal, thirst of a greedy origin)

Hacia donde, en las tardes que no vayan tus ojos
(Until then, in the evenings when your eyes)
en viaje hacia mis ojos, esperandote entonces.
(come to travel toward my eyes, I'll wait until then)

Estas llena de todas las sombras que me acechan.
(You are full of all the shadows that chase me)
Me sigues como siguen los astros a la noche.
(You chase me like the stars chases the night)

Mi madre me dio lleno de preguntas aguadas.
(My mother came with diluted questions)
Tu las contestas todas. Eres llena de voces.
(You have a reponse to every one. You are filled with voices)

Ancia blanca que cae sobre el mar que cruzamos.
(White anxiouness falls toward the sea that we cross)
Surco para la turbia semilla de mi nombre.
(Parting for the turbulent seed of my name)
Que haya una tierra mia que no cubra tu huella.
(Where there is no land of mind that bears your mark)
Sin tus ojos viajeros, en la noche, hacia donde.
(Without you traveling eyes, in the night, to yonder).

Pero eso era la sed y lo que ha de saciarla.
(But that was the thirst and it was this that quenched it)
Como poder no amarte si he de amarte por eso.
(How could I not love you if I love you for this)

Si esa es la amarra como poder cortarla, como.
(If that is the bond, how should I count it, how)
Como si hasta mis huesos tienen sed de tus huesos.
(My bones even thirst for your bones)

Sed de ti, sed de ti, guirnalda atroz y dulce.
(A thirst for you, thirst for you, a wreath both atrocious and sweet)
Sed de ti que en las noches me muerde como un perro.
(A thirst for you in the evenings that bite me like a dog)
Los ojos tienen sed, para que estan tus ojos.
(The eyes that have thirst to have the presense of your eyes)
La boca tiene sed, para que estan tus besos.
(The mouth that has a thirst for your kisses)
El alma esta incendiada de estas brasas que te aman.
(The soul that is lit up with a coal that loves you).

El cuerpo incendio vivo que ha de quemar tu cuerpo.
(The body burned alive, burning for you body)
De sed. Sed infinita. Sed que busca tu sed.
(From thirst. Infinite thirst. Thirst that seeks your thirst.)
Y en ella se aniquila como el agua en el fuego
(And within her it is destroyed like water to fire)

Can you believe I had THAT much time to update my journal. I really didn't feel like reading today so I did this :) Okay, I'll update on further details later on tonight.
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