Ummmmm Kinda feeeel crazy

Nov 18, 2014 04:46

I'm not sure what's going on. I feel kinda sick and kinda crazy.
I just had a dream where I was out at some fair or whatever, some event in brooklyn and suddenly at the gates to the event I see BOTH of my former high school spanish teachers walking toward the entrance. Ms. Kinard (Marta) was wearing an outfit of jeans, sneakers and a checkard shirt over a tank top. Ms. Urena wore a black shirt and pants combo.

We get to the gate and I'm all "MAARTAAAAA!" (I forget if I am surprised to see her or if I'm expecting to but I am very happy) We talk and plan to go into the event together. I never actually came out to Marta back in high school so I'm being extra gay to make up for it in the dream. I'm talking about dancing and flirting with the ticket guy at the gate (who is this sexy latino dude with ceasear and 5'oclock shadow.) He along with Marta start making fun of this other big gay guy OH YEAH because the area the fair was in was a shitty part of Brooklyn and he was like "I see you have this guy here to protect you but that guy over there he was hitting on me and probably couldn't protect anyone!" Then Marta says "doesn't he also look like...Quincy Jones (or some other really out of place name from an RnB singer). I look up to see wo they're talking about but I can't. it's too dark (even thought its day time...or it was at the start of the dream) and I can only make out a clump of people.

I feel like this is just the feelings I had back high school, the fear of people talking about me behind my back about being gay. Cuz they weren't talking about the guy to me and were ignoring all my flirting.

Then we end up in a hotel or apartment where Marta and Ms Urena apparently live together. We're talking and something involving shopping for toilet paper happens and then there is s scene change where I'm watching an episode of the Gilmore Girls. Rory is talking her mom and whoever her mom is dating in this dream and she's telling them that she no longer has inner monologs running in her head at all times. Then she asks when they suspected that she did and they list a bunch of times/plot points from the show where (in other shows) the main character would have some monologue that the viewer would hair. Like Zack from saved by the bell turning to the camera and saying "what could go wrong?"

after the GG I "wake up" and remember that I had a dream with Marta in it. I like go over to the computer and look her up on the high school website and I send her am email saying "Yo deseo bailar contigo" because we danced, or were supposed to, at the event

then i REALLY woke up, feeling sick, confused at like 3 AM. Trying to figure out if I really saw her or not. Then I wrote this


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