Holy shit

Nov 27, 2012 08:08

I had my first Dream about Gaita in MONTHS this morning! He and I were working somewhere, some ship thing or i dunno...no we were like working in something gov't related and our manager was this old fussy woman. Whatever, at the end of the shift I asked him to give me a ride home since we both live in brooklyn. He said Nope, but as I was walking away told me to get into the car, laughing.

During the drive we talked and joked and he used his digi-nav system to find my house. The details aren't all ther but basically it was clear to him the whole time that i wanted to fuck him. I think i put my hand on his lap or hand on the stick shift at one point.

We get back to my flat and I offer to let him sleep over. He does. I think i offer my bed for him to use but he's like, nah brah. But i keep insisting. I think he falls alseep in bed with me because when i wake up im walking through the house calling out his name. I find him or just a pile of clothes in the next room on the couch.


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