School dreams

Apr 27, 2012 21:04

I had 2 dreams involving [lost] friendship last night. I don't know what summoned them. I went drinking with with Josh last night and we had Boy Talk so maybe that did it.

The first was very 3 oclock, after school cartoony. It starred me and these kids who went to elementary school with me, Aaron, Jarret Clarence and maybe Andrew. Ummm basically we were hanging out in the school yard and talking about whether or not we'll be friends after school was done. I can't remember much else, just the feeling of tv special, super emotional overtones and camera angles.

Next I was...sleeping in a dorm room that was also in the cruise terminal where i do my shitty ship job. The short Italian american manager, Chrissy, the guy I still want to fuck despite him being a gossipy closet case, and the greek girl Maria were walking through the area talking about the ship we work on, the Veendam, and I was pretending to be alseep so they would leave. Like they walked in and through my room. Later I was working at the debark area I forget most of it but basically I saw Andy from SBU there and I got really excited and so I started rolling around and doing tricks on the floor and at one point I rolled around on my side, like Homer did on the Simpons in Mr Burn's office like 20 years ago, looking like i was running but i was on the floor on my side going in a circle. When that I was done the crowd of ppl debarking from the ship started to cheer for me and Andy 0 who had dumped us as friends irl and in th dream had stopped across the room from me when he saw me, couldn't help but smile and admit i won him back. too bad it was a dream.


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