(no subject)

Mar 27, 2012 02:08

The more I look into careers that are fulltime, the more I wish I hadn't wasted 5 years getting an English degree. Even other useless degrees, human resources, Speech Therapy, Anthro-fucking-pology, all these and more are more qualified for the shittiest and least respectful careers available to Bachelor degree holders. Above soul crushing cubicle work, I'm not fit for shit besides going back to school for something else.

I wish someone in my damn family had gone to college before to exaplain this to me. I get angry at my family alot about this, even knowing that I still will the next time I meet someone and they ask me where I work and when I say [whatever temp or P/T thing I'm doing] they say "oh why? Did you go to college? Why don't you become a teacher?" I'll get angry right after I suppress the urge to punch that person in the mouth
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