Back from holidays. Did i mention that before? Ive been back in Brisbane for a few months now. Back at my old job which is good cos its good pay and no stress.
Im on a creative painting streak type thing. Since getting back Ive been really pushing my painting, a hard thing to do whilst working full time, but Id like to think Im getting better. The two bellow are from a series Im doing called 'Artifice and Restriction'. Im currently working away on the third, and there should be another 2 or 3 after that.
Im drawing every spare moment i get, it drives me crazy when I cant. My lack of skill also drives me crazy, but Im trying the whole 'positive thinking' approach and just have to keep telling myself to work harder keep practicing etc and I'll get better. *sigh*
Im considering going to uni to do a fine arts degree. I dont know if I want to go back to being a poor student, but then I dont want to be in my current job forever, even if it is awesome money. I just want more time to be able to improve....and motivation, people with skills to help direct me.
hmm... my holiday....Unfortunately i didn't go to Germany. But I did see Muse play in Florence, so that was good. Spent a bunch of money on masks in Venice then went shopping in Camden markets London. that was good, though i wish i had more money. When i got back I spent about a month hiding at home recovering. Traveling on ones own can be hard, add to that a broken heart and theres all manner of torments to deal with.
But things are on the up now :)
I have hundreds of photos, but Im not gonna upload them all. and Im too slack to put them here, some of them are on my da site
da paintings and photos have a looksee if you like :)