Why, hello there!

Sep 10, 2008 03:00

Oh how I miss this journal! I actually logged in just to fix my layout. Typical me lol.

I'd update but I'd rather fix my icons.... maybe in a few hours ;)

[ edit @ 12:08PM ]

Hm, so whats been going on? I finished the entire Twilight saga in about 2 weeks. So now I have nothing to fill my Twilight void with until the movie comes out... darn. Quit Six Flags only to be talked into coming back next season as supervisor lol. Busy with school and playing WoW =). That's about it really. Planning on moving out of state (finally!!) by next year. So I'm pretty excited about that.

I may change the banner, as much as I love One Tree Hill  & Brooke/Chase I'd rather change it to something more... Twilight-ish =). Martin swears I'm a Twilight addict but man, there are much worse people than me out there lol.

Ah. Gotta go study for my Oceanology exam tomorrow. Bah!

[ /edit ]

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