rocky horror picture show!

May 03, 2009 19:21

today, went over to the awesome fullfathom05 's house and watched ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW.

the very mean one was supposed to be leaving, but stayed for the sodomizing. we all perved on the golden baby with the golden underwear. i protested the unfairness that EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE had amazing legs.

also, this happened:

me: i call my dog "dog." is that bad?
nadya: no, it's okay. i call my bird "orgasmatron."
me and nim: . . .

and now a tiny little rant:

why is it that because i do not happen to want to get naked with my friends, our relationship is less worthy? i totally support committed relationships, but just because i am not in one, why is the word for me "single"? i'm not single. i have about six people in my life (unrelated to me) who i care about more than i care about myself, but because we are "just" friends (which, by the way, is the worst expression ever. in the entire history of the world), the hours i spend laughing, crying, and being with them don't mean as much.

i made a birthday poster for a friend, and wrote her a four page letter, and got two books signed by one of her favorite authors for her. i talk for at least 40 minutes to an hour a night with another, and we go through some of our favorite things (her: facebook bumper stickers, me: postsecrets) and send each other the ones that remind us of us. i named my ipod after another. i fall asleep on all of them, and we all have slept in the same bed and have absolutely no boundaries. but still, i don't feel anything sexual or romantic towards them.

how can there be anything more than that?

i don't even know what set me off this rant, it's just the general feeling of society (oh god, i am so laughably pretentious. kill me?). like, it's so hard to see any art that doesn't have a romantic relationship in it, one that usually plays a much larger part than the friendship. how many songs are there that are about friendship? how many book have a (especially female) friendship that plays a bigger part than the romantic relationship? it's getting to bug me when i see stories about people with friendships, where one or both of the people in them have secret lust for each other. not all friendships work like that! occasionally, people actually do love friendships in its own right!

and now, i have to go, because my friend called, and i love her.

and now, because everything should not be so serious:

and colin morgan looking emo:

and then, because i still need cheering up:

(note: nick is WEARING MY FRIEND'S SHRT, i swear to god.)

okay, feel better now.

rants, love, real life, friends

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