Yo, like this is it for real. I am done with this. I really, honestly can't do this anymore. It has been causing some many problems and unecessary drama that it is quite ridiculous. I only came here to write and shit, but whatever, kick rocks I guess. Whatever, I am done with drama surrounding my writing and shit like that. So sick of people I know in real life getting to my fucking blog and trying to be fucking shady and trying to read ( If this shit was not "just friends", hoes will be over it by now. They found my other private journal...) my shit, like damn! You fucking thirsty hoes. Whoever is going through my shit and being a fucking coward and writing anonymous bullshit comments on my shit and being terribly stupid, fuck you! And stop making fake accounts to talk shit here and whatnot because I do not even fucking go on this shit! Fuck bitch, if you wanna fucking talk so bad, then let's talk to each other face-to-face if you can even do that. Obviously, you can't if you are being fucking a idiot and writing dumb-ass comments and messages to me, talking foolishness. Like damn, bitch, if you want to go, I'll fucking go. Bitch, you saying shit I won't do anything. Bitch, you do not fucing know me. You think you may do, but honey, you don't. I'll fuck you up and I'm playin'. Bitch, I do not care if you go hard, fuck bitch, you don't have a damn dick so stop talking about going hard. You wish you did, fucking pussy. Just back the fuck up and leave my shit alone. Fucking bitch, obviously, you have nothing better to do but to read my shit, so I gueess you find me very interesting, eh? Sorry your life isn't ss nearly as interesting as yours. Hmmm...let me see, you probably scratch yo ass all day and do shit. Fuck this. Fuck this shit, fuck it, I am done, completely with this journal and my other journals because this is getting on my nerves and I do not have to deal with horsey-ass cretins whose gramnar is terrible, writing shit like "fuc u, bytch. Ard, doan u shut ur dam muoth?" Like bitch, go back to the first grade. Your damn teacher should be ashamed! Damn, first-graders can talk and spell better than you! Fucking slutty-ass bitch! Maybe if you didn't have a dick in your mouth constantly, maybe you could speak properly.
Do me a favor, talk to me when your grammar improves, stupid bitch. I doubt it will though, because you are stupider than a piece of shit. Get your stanky face outta my face. I only talk to things that evolved and obviously, you certainly haven't. You are still in stage one of evolution! Haha, bitch, that is a damn shame! Even Darwin can't explain your stupid ass! Haha, yeah your mothr must be proud. Proud of a dummy like you. Whatever, I am done. Done!! If I fucking see you on my journals trying to post comments on my shit, trying to be smart and trying to be insulting ever again, I swear I am going to fucking ship yo ass to hell through express mail, bitch! Not even worth using FedEx and Ups for that shit. You're not that special, wasting money on you like that. Sorry honey, Imma do it myself. Hand deliver you there, bitch! You said you wee going to kick my ass to hell. Yeah, fuck you,. I'D like to see you try. You make me lauggggggghhhh, cftuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu because you are damn stupiddd. Oh my gosh, whatever, byegirl, have a nice holiday!! I'll send you some candy canes to your door, sweetie. I know you have an oral fixation, so I thought candy canes would be a healthy alternative rather than the nasty-ass dicks you suck on constantly. It wouldn't be any different though, since you always need something wet and hard in your mouth! Toodles! :)
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