Good sayings

Nov 25, 2008 11:28

My last illustration assignment is to pick a quote, song lyric, part of a poem, saying, etc. and do an illustration to accompany it. I'm still considering options, but these are the ones on the list for consideration. Pick the ones you like, or add one of your own. :)

(Translations for the Spanish ones appear below.)

Poll Profound (or not) Sayings

Los bienes y las glorias de la vida / o nunca vienen o nos llegan tarde. - Prada
"The glories and good things of life never come or arrive too late."

Me creo indigno del Infierno o de la Gloria, pero nada predigo. - Borges
"I belive myself unworthy of Heaven or of Hell, but I make no predictions."

La contemplación de ese inmediato rostro incesante, intacto, incorruptible, será para los réprobos, Infierno; para los elegidos, Paraíso. - Borges
"The contemplation of that immediate face, incessant, intact, incorruptible, will be for the damned, Hell; for the chosen, Paradise."

wisdom, illustration

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