Nobody Gets Out, by sharpest-rose (unrated, PG-13ish)

Sep 14, 2009 21:41

Keeping the theme of Blair roche-related AUs, here's an infinitly happier one, sharpest-rose's "Nobody gets Out."

Fandom: Watchmen
Characters or pairing: Blair Roche, Rorschach, gen
Length: ~800 words.
Warnings: Abuse and sexual assault of a child.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Rorschach's backstory and vague spoilers for the ending
Summary: Blair Roche lives.
Author: sharpest-rose

Why this must be read:

A fascinating look at what might have been, had Blair Roche been successfully rescued. The fic's narrated by Rorschach, but it's really all about Blair, and the woman she could have grown into.


watchmen, fic

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