Title: Damselfly
RubynyeFandom: X-Men: First Class
Characters/Pairings: Angel/OFC, Emma, Erik, Azazel, Mystique
Length: 4300 words
Warnings: None
Spoilers: X-Men: First Class
Damselfly by rubynye
One of the many unresolved issues at the end of X-Men: First Class was Angel's wing injury, and this fic picks up that issue and runs with it. Angel needs help restoring her ability to fly, and she seeks out an entomologist to assist her. That entomologist is frustrated grad student Phoebe Cay - stuck typing her professor's notes when she wants to be studying - and Phoebe is quickly drawn into Angel's dangerous world. This fic contains great sweetness between Angel and Phoebe, but there are other forces at work, from prejudice to chauvinism to the agenda of the Brotherhood. Phoebe learns of an entire new world just beyond her window and the dangers and opportunities there; Angel has grown a little since the frustrated young woman of the movie, and not entirely in the ways that her new team might expect. A very satisfying story that seems like the start of a new world for many of the characters - even though this story stands alone, I would love to see more of the fractious, angry Brotherhood, and tender, thoughtful Phoebe.