Thor fic rec: A Wise Child That Knows Its Own Mother, by ladyk_d_azrael

Feb 25, 2012 18:57

Title: A Wise Child That Knows Its Own Mother
Author: ladyk_d_azrael
Fandom: Thor
Continuity: Comics and Norse mythology
Characters/Pairings: Balder/Loki, Vali.
Length:3,600 words
Warnings: Mpreg-ish, rather graphic offspring, too.
Spoilers: None.

Why this must be read/seen:Loki birthes Balder's child while in female forms, and then refuses to name the child, and generally speaking acts oddly toward him.This is a wonderfully horrific, clever and bitter-sweet all at the same time story, with a sort of cruel fairy tale logic.

Loki woke in a bed, taking in first that he was warm, and then that he was clean. He opened his eyes to see a figure seated near his bedside - though he couldn’t tell if the brightness came from the window or Balder’s countenance.

“How fares the child?” he asked, raising himself on the pillows.

“He thrives, though he has so far refused all the wet nurses we have brought.”

“Tch,” Loki made a face that expressed his lack of surprise. “Bring him to me.”

A servant was dispatched and the infant brought. He screamed again at being placed in Loki’s arms, but accepted the breast offered to him. His purplish newborn face remained deeply furrowed as he gave suck.

Balder sat on the side of the bed and watched Loki’s display of maternal instinct with fascination. “I was afraid he would be a monster.”

Loki smiled and said nothing.

A Wise Child That Knows Its Own Mother

thor, fic

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