Title: Diagmagnetism
cherryfeatherFandom: X-Men: First Class
Characters/Pairings: Erik/Charles, Alex, Raven, Hank, Sean
Length: 2700 words
Warnings: None
Spoilers: X-Men: First Class
Diamagnetism by cherryfeather
One of the things I loved about X-Men: First Class was the training montage, seeing people work out what their powers could do and taking joy in that. They've got superpowers! That's awesome! This is not the case for all the X-Men, of course, but for most of the characters in this particular movie, understanding and developing their powers is not just work - it's fun. This story really captures the heady, delightful feel of that montage, showing Erik learning a new application of his powers when he falls and manages to miss the ground. Everything is possible, and this fic leaves me smiling every time.